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Tip of the Day: Learn Shortcuts - 3 easy Tricks!

Tip of the Day: Learn Shortcuts - 3 easy Tricks!

There are only few things that are more time consuming, than navigating and clicking with your mouse or track pad for every action that you do.

Every DAW has amazing short cuts already built in and they actually save you time and improve your workflow by a huge amount.

Do you have these rainy Sunday afternoons sometimes where you are? Great, then use one of them in the next weeks to sit down and learn short cuts - it will have a bigger impact on your productivity than you can imagine right now!

You will not only be faster, but also don´t have to focus on the unimportant stuff like clicking that record button and moving your hands back to your MIDI keyboard - get rid of these unnatural work flows, even if you are used to them.

Tip 1: read the handbook

Yes, these times we live in we expect things to just work - plug and play. But there are reasons why the printed version or a PDF copy of the handbook can actually come in handy. Take it out of the shelf or google some sheets and study the short cut section.

Tip 2: customize

Of course there is always the possibility to set up every button exactly the way you want it. You are recording a lot of audio tracks? Then you might want to have your transport control or at least the rec button at a position you reach naturally. Being ready to record after just hitting a button makes your life easier.

Tip 3: use a controller

If you want to step up your game even further, you can get a MIDI controller with a built-in transport section and lots of faders and knobs to map your effects or synths to. It is not really a short cut, but has the same effect: a more natural feel and way faster flow.

Yes, it can be painful to customize and set it all up, but the time you spend on that, will be given to you thousandfold after - promise!



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Sound Design, How to create unique sounds, Learn Music Production, Improve Productivity, How to overcome Writers Block,


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