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PML Premium Bundle - How to set up your downloads

Premium Bundle 2020

The Premium Bundle is a Full Music Production Academy + Premium Sounds. 
It contains 30+ Courses and 100+ Sound Packs related to Ableton Live. It’s the craziest deal by far.

>> Click here to see the Premium Bundle content

After downloading the Premium Bundle, you'll now find these zipped files:

PML Premium Bundle - Updates - Latest New
PML Premium Bundle - Ableton Projects _ Templates -
PML Premium Bundle - Ableton Projects _ Templates -
PML Premium Bundle - Ableton Projects _ Templates - Pop _
PML Premium Bundle - Ableton Projects _ Templates -
PML Premium Bundle - Ableton Projects - Templates -
PML Premium Bundle - Ableton Projects _ Templates -
PML Premium Bundle -
PML Premium Bundle -
PML Premium Bundle - MIDI
PML Premium Bundle - Preset
PML Premium Bundle - Sample
PML Premium Bundle - Sample Packs
PML Premium Bundle - Sample Packs

Unzip everything. We recommend organising the Premium Bundle in the following top folder structure:

PML - _Guide
PML - Ableton Projects
PML - Courses
PML - MIDI Packs
PML - Preset Packs
PML - Sample Packs

PML - Latest Additions

Then, we would advise to organise them into subfolders in this way:

PML - _Guide
PML - Ableton Projects
- PML - Ableton Projects - EDM
- PML - Ableton Projects - HOUSE
- PML - Ableton Projects - POP_Other
- PML - Ableton Projects - Racks
- PML - Ableton Projects - Techno
- PML - Ableton Projects - Trap
PML - Courses
PML - MIDI Packs
PML - Preset Packs
PML - Sample Packs
- PML - Sample Packs - Deep Premium 1-4
- PML - Sample Packs - Atmos, Textures
- PML - Sample Packs - Other Styles

PML - Latest Additions

Note: Courses and course downloads can be found on our teaching platform

Best wishes,
Francois / PML

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