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Turning your 8 bar loop idea into a fully arranged track (Ableton Live Tutorial)


We got this message the other day:

"The biggest issue for me is how to take a cool 8-bar loop (which I've made many of!) and turn it into a good 120-bar song. Arrangement, transitions, variations in chords, melody, drums, etc."

You're probably familiar with the problem. You have a nice idea for a beat that lasts 8 bars (sometimes 4 or 16 as well). You like the idea, but you're not sure how to make a full track out of it. So in this video we're going to try to help you come up with some ideas for separating your parts into verses and choruses and how to come up with bridge-like elements in electronic music. We're trying to cover the issues of song structure, arrangement and transitions between the respective song parts.



Producing a song out of a loop, turning a loop into a song, producing a song from a loop idea


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