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How to write Catchy Vocal Parts - The Millennial Whoop

If you're not sure how to fill up your vocal parts, be sure to put in ohh-ohh's skipping from the third to the fifth of your chord:


How do I use it in my song?

You can apply many different forms - for example "whoo-ooah-whoo-ooah", "ooo-ooah-ooo-ooah" or even "eeeyy-oooh-eeeyy-oooh" - you can't really do any wrong here. Just make sure you put in ohh-ohh's skipping from the fifth to the third or the third to the fifth of your chord - like illustrated below:

Harmony & Chord Progressions

Harmony & Chord Progressions

If you're looking to get a deeper understanding of Music Writing, Chords, Chord Progressions, Harmony and Melodies, feel free to take a look at our 3h+ Beginners Course: Harmony & Chord Progressions - we're we cover these subjects from the perspective of an electronic music producer.


Keywords: How to write catchy vocals, writing catchy vocals course


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