Tip of the Day: Finish your Tracks - 3 simple tricks

You dream of a career in music? You want to make it in the business? Then stop playing around and start finishing tracks!
No one on earth will hear “all those cool ideas” that are stored on some hard drive or whistled into your phone.
Your song will always only be as good as you can make it in the moment - it is called evolution. You will get better with every song and will look back at all the stuff, you would do differently now, but if you don´t finish and publish, there is nothing to look back at - no point of reference to get better and improve your skills.
Tip 1: set deadlines
If you want to be a successful producer you need to meet your customers expectations and deliver. Also if your customers are your fans - you don´t want to be that producer that takes forever to release a new track.
Set realistic (!) deadlines, but try to push yourself.
Tip 2: re-visit old track
Go through all these hard drives, dig deep and unearth some of the “hit-songs” of old times and practice finishing songs. Your emotional attachment is probably less intense and you can just do, what the whole lesson is about - finish it.
Tip 3: let it go
Yes, it can always be better or different, but it will never reach some ones ears, if it stays at 70%.
Break your habit (if you have it) and finish, publish, release and celebrate.
Sound Design, How to create unique sounds, Learn Music Production, Improve Productivity, How to overcome Writers Block,